Health Sciences Librarianship

I have been a clinical medical librarian and health sciences librarian since 2012. It is definitely a profession of lifelong learning. I want to share some resources that have helped me find my feet along the way, as well as some that look useful that I haven’t had a chance to explore further.

Take all the opportunities you can: to volunteer in clinical settings; to round with doctors; to attend department/division meetings. Read as much as you can about the disciplines you’re interested in.

Medicine and Medical Terminology

Various Courses

Systematic Reviews

If you are going to be doing any type of systematic or expert reviews, then the collection of manuals and guidance below should make for very exciting weekend reading. In addition to engaging in continuing education and professional development around the systematic review process, make sure to be familiar with these seminal publications about the methodology.

Literature Review Methods

If you are a reference librarian who assists research teams with literature reviews, then these sources are critical to aid in understanding the different types of reviews that are appropriate for different types of topics and author goals.

Health Literacy


The books I’ve listed here represent a wide variety of stories and memoirs, but they’ve all shaped my vision about clinical care.

Staying Current

It’s important to stay on top of trends and publications in librarianship, but also in clinical care.

  • Feedly - a feed reader that can help you follow topics of itnerest
  • Read by QxMD - an app that allows you to follow research from PubMed and other sources
  • Set up search alerts in PubMed or other open databases
  • Set up table of contents alerts from journals that you follow and/or check out JournalTOCs

Reddit Communities

I found that occasionally browsing these subreddits was very helpful in my understanding of medical education, the clinical experience, and public health.

Twitter Tags

It has been helpful for me to follow these hashtags, sometimes using Tweetdeck to hear about the latest research and controversy. See more about Twitter for Higher Education and how it can help you network and share your research.
